Thursday, November 18, 2010


Well, the critics have spoken, and the general consensus seems to be positive. More specifically, according to seasoned theatergoer Joey, age 7, "It was the best akting and singing show that I have ever seend befor and it was very, very funny too. It was the best show I have ever sen."

Yes, we finally got letters. From second graders who had seen our show and then wrote to us all about their favorite parts and such. My life is complete.

Some other choice excerpts, with spelling intact:
"Amber Brown and Justin made that huge bubblegum ball. I wish I had alot of gum to make one a thoes. I guess I have to save up."--Alex
"I REALLY LIKED THE SHOW!!!!!!!"--Olivia
"It was the best in my life."--Mike
"I like when Justin moved away"--Megan
"I like Hannah because she is neat like me and my mom and sometimes my dad."--Jenna
"That was probably the best show I very saw in my intiyr life."--Luke
"My favorite charater was Amber because she was funny and nice and a good freind to Justin she is just like me nice and a good friend."--Noor
"When they singed it was coolest thing in the show."--Raphael
"I love how they sang in the show and I think they are proud of ther self."--Leslye
"I got something else to say, you ROCK!"--Erin
"It was the best acting in my hole life. P.S. you guys are alsome."--Kiely
"I love it so much."--Aleia

Since my last post, we celebrated Halloween in Florida with some last-minute, thrown-together costumes (none of us thought to pack Halloween stuff when we were leaving NYC.) I was Waldo's girlfriend, Wenda, because I had a red striped dress and pulled some big old glasses from our show costume selection. Liz went to Target and bought a banana split costume meant for a dog. Stacie was Snooki because she's from Jersey. During the last week of our five-week tour chunk, we all went a tiny bit crazy. Knowing that we were so close to our own beds and to having significant human interaction with people besides each other made us impatient. But after show stops in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, we finally made it back to New York City for the first time. I got to have a glorious weekend of seeing friends, having adventures, and eating delicious food.

And then we went out again! After a delightful stop in Syracuse, we moved on to Dover, Delaware. In Dover, I met one little girl who told me, after watching the show, that she liked the movie, and another who informed that it was her birthday and asked me, "Are you coming?"

Now we're in upstate New York again (they really seem to love us here.) Stories of Niagara Falls, sketchy vans besides our own, and more to come next time I write! Sometime in the near future, hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. Cute reviews. They remind me of this:

    I was secretly hoping upon reading the title of this post that it would be a review of the most spectacular concert ever witnessed by humanity.

    I guess that will have to wait until next time.
